• business
  • consultation
  • partnership
  • inquiry
  • COSMAX was founded on three commitments, embodied by three apples
  • the first apple symbolizes the morality of Adam and Eve; the second, the scientific discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton; and the final apple of Aphrodite that symbolizes beauty.

  • Commitment 1 - Ethical Enterprise
  • We are committed to honesty and keeping the promises we make to our customers and society, with mutual respect and in good faith.

  • Commitment 2 - Innovative Technology
  • We are committed to innovation, through creative ideas, continuous research and development.

  • Commitment 3 - Make People Beautiful
  • We are committed to leading the way gloabally, by creating a more beautiful world. COSMAX promotes beauty and health through environmental management and corporate social responsibility.

Korea No.1 Health Food Company
  • Mission
  • The promotion of public health and the growth of the health functional food industry.
  • 1
  • Ethical company
  • Providing accurate and insightful information.
  • 2
  • Research company
  • Development of materials and formulations with efficacy.
  • 3
  • Beautiful company
  • Environmentally-friendly management with a focus on the future.